We've learned that there is a wound in the members of the Mexican church that was put there by the Churches of the United States. We, the United States churches, have said we have the answers and have for years shown up to tell the Mexicans how they should run their ministries. Our response, in part, is simply this. We want to heal the wounds that the United States churches have inflicted. We continue to SERVE the local Mexican church to reach out TOGETHER to their communities. We want local Pastors to speak into our lives by the power of the Holy Spirit. We want them to know we are EQUALS in Christ. We don't use education, age, race, ethnicity, gender, nationality, and language to set us apart as superior.
Future passionate worship leaders are watching you worship.
Downloadable digital pdf file: The Experience booklet highlights how we make it easy for you to go to Mexico, and describes the benefits to the Mexican Church and how they grow in their communities as you work together.